Thursday, April 1, 2010

How to Create Million Dollar Ideas With No Money Down! Use the Matrix!

The Matrix of Ideas

How to Create Wealth by Meeting the Needs of Humanity

Make no mistake about it; you will be given ideas to create wealth because this was an intention put forth by Source before you ever gained consciousness in this physical reality. If you don’t believe me take a look at your situation right now. Where are your friends and family members right now? Are they sitting there with you as you read this blog? Probably not. Why not? Because this blog and the book, Holistic Business Success for Women, is a physical manifestation of an idea intentionally sent forth into this physical reality specifically for women who the Source intended to receive it.

Also, my purpose, intention and desire to see women fulfill their purpose and destiny by bringing forth a creative expression of themselves is a vibrational match to your own desire to fulfill your own purpose and destiny. In addition, the timing and need for this blog is in direct alignment with the intention of our Source. So, as far as you and I are concerned, we are engage in a synergistic activity. There’s no doubt in my mind that you and your group will bring forth something that I will take pleasure in, either directly or indirectly. That is to say, you and your group may bring forth a new cosmetic for women. I might not wear it, but I most certainly will enjoy looking at the woman who does. There’s always a need for something, and meeting needs, which is the first part of the matrix, is our primary objective, our focus. Needs and ideas are eternally linked. That is to say, without a need, an idea for a product or service to meet that need never comes into consciousness. And without an idea, which turns into a manifested product or service, a need cannot be fulfilled. Learn to sleep, eat and drink the following five basic needs. Repeated them over and over again if you have to. I'm sure that someone can add to this list, but were working in groups of five. There is a fourth supplemental group which can be added to our matrix but that will come a little later. I'm sure that someone else could probably come up with another addition to the list, but you'll find that any addition can be drawn from any one of the five existing needs in our list. For now, all I want you to think about is the 'Big Five.'


People usually think of the first three as being the foundational needs of every human being but nothing is further from the truth. People usually think in this limited way because they are only thinking in terms of what keeps the body safe. This is narrow-minded thinking. Without relationship and the need to exchange some kind of information all is meaningless. Could you imagine having every thing you could ever dream of and not have any other human to talk to and enjoy these things with you? I think not. You need relationship as much as you need food and water. The secret to the success of the internet lies within its’ ability to merge the dynamic of relationship and information into a myriad of websites designed to connect people and facilitate relationship. This is something to keep in mind when you get an idea for something to sell online.
So, start with the notion of how to meet any one of these five basic needs. This is the foundation of the Matrix of Ideas; learn them, and learn them well. The second step is coming up.

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