Monday, April 12, 2010

Show 'em' your Underalls! How to Stretch Your Idea Into Long Money

Maybe you're too young to remember those popular Underalls commercials of the 1980's. Underalls were not the first stockings ever invented nor were they the first heavily marketed pantyhose for women. There were the unforgettable Leggs commercials of the 70's and 80's,coupled with the No Nonsense line--and who could forget that 'Gentlemen Prefer Hanes?' Yes the pantyhose business was booming and everybody had their hand in the pie. But the creators of Underalls get my nod for being the first to truly create a memorable commercial that used the combination of a existing product(a pair of pantyhose)and added another existing product (panties) to sell women on the idea that they were getting two products in one. But the product had purpose: to get rid of the dreaded unwanted pantie line. We might even call their creation a new product. You and your team might come up with a new product or even a related product that enhances something already on the market.

The ideas you receive from Source may fall within any of these well-known categories. Pay close attention to them. They are the critical part in the matrix of the idea. The completion or the end of the idea will take on one or more of these forms.

New Product
A Related Product

Remember, a new product is not really a new product per se, but rather a new way of merging existing materials into a new form or structure—an alchemical exploration. Thus, a new product is really a continuum of an existing product or a combination of parts from various existing products. Seen from this perspective, all products and services are really related products and related services. Nevertheless we will look at the big five as they are. A new product will be something you've never seen before. A related product will simply be a product that can be used in conjunction with another product or to supplement a product.

For instance, one company creates tape and another company creates a tape dispenser; one company sells prescription drugs and another company sells a nonprescription supplemental drug. Information of any kind may be sold online, in a bookstore, magazine rack or through a seminar. You can create a new media form or add your ideas to any of these existing mediums: television, radio, audio, books, podcasts, video hosting services, video games, web pages, etc. Services can be provided for just about anything.

Now, let’s take a look at the foundation for the matrix of the idea.


Food---------------------Taste--------------------A New Product
Clothing-----------------Touch-------------------A Related Product

When you look at this simple formula, don’t get locked into the idea that anything is set in stone. In other words, don’t try to add A (food) + B (taste) to get a new product). The order or grouping within any category has absolutely nothing to do with anything. Instead, juggle the matrix. Million dollar ideas are hidden within unorthodox combinations of the matrix.


How can I combine the sense of hearing with the need for clothing to create a service that provides information?


How can I combine the need for relationship with the sense of smell to create a new or related product?

This may appear to mind boggling at first, but you’re forgetting the most important thing: The ideas are already there. When thinking about a product or service keep these things in mind:

There are no right or wrong combinations
Your imagination is unlimited
The Source wants this co-creative process just as much as you do
Ideas are free of charge
The most important thing is to have fun.

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