Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Message from Spiritual Teacher, Lily Finch: The Feminine Keys to Creating Holistic Business Models

As the writer of the New ‘Beauty Way’ Model of Business, Leadership and Illuminated Influence, L.E. Coleman, whom I affectionately call Brother, asked me to join with him and share my opinion about what it will take to build holistic businesses and implement them so that they are not only effective but prosperous.

What I write now will not be easy for most to hear but it is absolutely necessary. Einstein was dead on when he said, ““We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” To approach building new models of holistic business from the same approach that has always been done is to recreate the same current economic and global problems that we have always done. It simply will not work. A good builder knows that the foundation of a home must be square in order to keep the house standing later on. If women approach growing a business in the same way that it has been approached before, we will not grow anything. We will not only constrict life, we will be cooking up the perfect recipe for disaster.

So follow along, you awakening women, to hear the hard but freeing truth about what women have to do in order to not only provide the desires they seek but to change our global situation. And yes, men, you are invited too, as WO+MEN means both men and women whereas ‘MAN’ has left out the ‘WO’ since the beginning of time! To be WO+MEN means you are awakening and integrating the characteristics of both the AUTHENTIC masculine and the AUTHENTIC feminine. So yes, men, you are certainly invited into this discussion if you dare come along. However, I must warn you that it is likely that you will dislike what is being said, even more than women!

Women have typically avoided leadership and business for thousands of years because they believed what they were being told: that they were the ‘weaker sex,’ that business was just too hard, bloody and tyrannical for their ‘gentle’ nature. So women believed that they either had to DO it like men did it or crawl back into their safe little nests and let the guys do the dirty work. After all, business was dirty, right?

The perception when it came to women being in business was that there were only two ways a woman could go. One way was to play the game like it has always been played. That is to say, be a cut throat business-person. The other way was simple: bow out and forget about business altogether . The underlying sentiment a male dominated business world was encapsulated in the stereotypical feeling that you either turn into a cut-throat’ or maintain the sensitivity of caring more about people than things--the old 'either/or fallacy.'

The realization comes (seeing with real eyes) when one sees the truth: that cut throat dog-eat-dog business is simply a business model perpetuated by inauthentic non-leaders. And this non-leader can be a man or woman. The truth of the matter is that both, the business mindset and the model is motivated entirely by FEAR! This kind of business IS--and I repeat--IS the problem! It is the problem because it is founded fear. The fear based beliefs of the majority of people on the planet perpetuates the false notion that there is always scarcity, lack, limitation and loss.

So women won’t be any better than men building new holistic models of business if fear is their motivator. And even worse, due to a woman’s power, she creates even greater negativity in the world! Sorry, that’s just the way it is. There were many women rallying in recent years ‘IT IS TIME FOR A WOMAN PRESIDENT’ without seeing that just ANY woman as president is more dangerous than ever! When you teach a man, you throw a pebble in the water. When you teach a woman, you throw the mountain into the ocean. Women are the first ‘god’ that every human being knows in the world. In just carrying a child alone, she shapes their self image and esteem through the DNA she passes on which holds the memory of all the beliefs and thoughts of those who have come before her! How she loves honors and cares for her child and herself and the subsequent decisions she makes from ‘authentic’ love can change the world without doing another thing! When a man is stuck, he’s a real jerk. And yes, fathers have an enormous effect on their children. But in every book and opinion, every mother is ‘SUPPOSED’ to love her child! Not so strict when it comes to men. So, when a woman is stuck, she’s simply horrendous! And that is why Larry so wisely addressed this book to women! He is one of the few men on the planet who KNOWS!

You see, for thousands of years, people have sought to acquire wealth, power and prestige in order to BE ENOUGH. Of course it doesn’t work. There is never enough- ENOUGH-NESS when you fear NOT being enough. That black hole of emptiness can only be filled with one thing! To seek to build effective holistic business models which we ‘say’ we want in order to shift the planet, that are actually based on the ‘neediness’ of wanting to fill the empty hole of ‘insecurity,’ is to use the same thinking we have for thousands of years! WE have always sought FIRST to resolve on the external level what we ‘perceive’ we lack on the internal level. We will pick up with this in the next blog.
(c)2010 Lily Finch

A word about Lily.

Lily Finch, is a business and spiritual development coach. Her work can be found in the Best Selling Series, Wake Up...Live The Life You Love. In the book, A Search for Purpose, you will find her writings featured with Wayne Dyer, Anthony Robbins, Bill Harris and Brian Tracey. She is the author of ‘Holy and Humorous Hell and ‘Butterfly Medicine:Metamorphosis from Caterpillar to Butterfly, Woman to Goddess' under the pen name, Flowerbird.
She is an Inspirational Speaker and the creator of the ‘AlchemEnergy Method of Energy Transformation and the AlchemEnergy- Alchemist-in-Training Codex E-Course. She is a Business Entrepreneur and even a general Contractor.
Lily consults with women on being whole and integrating the spiritual with the physical on every level. She can be reached at:

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