Thursday, May 13, 2010

What's Your Motivation? You Can't Create From Need or Greed. More Conversation with Lily Finch

Now, let's pick up here from our previous conversation with business and spiritual development coach,Lily Finch,

To be greedy is to fear that there is not enough. However, to say it is greedy, wrong and evil to dream or to seek ‘more,’ is to allow divine creativity to shrivel up and die and to give up the abundance that Source has planned for us in the process! As a matter of fact, desire itself, means to be Sired OF the Father. DE-SIRE! To be created by our Source means to endlessly seek and desire growth. Human beings are the only creature on the planet which even seeks the edge of the very universe! We were created in order to learn to effectively create!

There is another amazing thing we learn in DESIRE. We learn what does and doesn’t work to bring about our desires. We learn that it doesn’t work to seek from THE motive of FEAR! We amass great wealth, fame and so called ‘security,’ and yet, if we do so from subconscious fears, we will now only live in greater fear of ‘losing’ it! And every decision we make will be with that same insane thinking and bring about the very thing we fear! You simply cannot ride two horses with one butt! ‘If you pray for success while preparing for failure you will have that thing for which you have prepared.’ So, how can this be authentic wealth? That is actually authentic HELL! If we acquire to feel ‘enough’ and use it to cover up the illusions of scarcity, lack, limitation and loss, then we have just INCREASED our fear, rather than diminished it, since there is now MORE to lose! If we have based our entire value upon anything other than what brings us peace, we WILL CREATE OUR OWN FEARS and we WILL ‘lose’ it! And yet, even in ‘losing’ it, it is absolutely PERFECT!

So how does one learn to use effective creativity in building new ‘BEAUTY WAY’ models of holistic business, leadership and influence? First it’s important to know the basic, core obstacles women face and will have to learn the keys to first transforming these within themselves before they are capable of attracting AUTHENTIC wealth (on every level) to themselves while at the very same time, elevating humanity and shifting the planet in the process:

1. The overwhelming majority of people on the planet operate from more than 95% subconscious. This means that most people are completely unaware as to not only WHAT they fear but that energy of FEAR, itself, is the source of all suffering!

2. Most people have no clue that their subconscious fears have greater power than their conscious desires!

3. Most people do not know that whatever it is that they desire- always has an equal and opposing fear that blocks the desire from manifesting. In addition, they have no idea that there is a simple formula for how to resolve this!

4. More than 99% of all human beings on the planet do not know HOW to discern TRUTH for themselves and therefore are dependent upon someone they have given authority to discern it for them. And to make matters worse, most of those in authority are clueless as to how to discern truth and will only know how to use their authority to control others for their own security!

5. Most Human beings have been told for thousands and thousands of years WHAT to believe and yet, were NEVER taught HOW to KNOW for THEMSELVES what is true. As long as a person does NOT know how to discern what is true for them, then they will always be controlled and manipulated by those in power and authority over them.

6. Most people on the planet do not know that there are simple and beautiful ways to learn or ‘re-remember their power to discern and intuit truth.

7. Most people on the planet do not know that there is an actual formula and science to unlocking the ability to being the Alchemist of their own life and transforming energy on every level.

8. Most people on the planet live lives of quiet desperation or at the very least, miserable mediocrity. And even though they sense that they have a unique purpose, they are clueless as to how to uncover it.

9. Of those who think that they have identified their purpose, the overwhelming majority are only seeing a one dimensional view of it.

10. Most who want to know their unique purpose have no idea of how to translate it into an effective, holistic model of business which will work because fear blocks creativity!

11. Those who want to know their purpose are often emotionally paralyzed. They are held captive by subconscious beliefs and fears that make it impossible for them to live fully. Their minds have been held captive by such thoughts as:
A. You can’t make a living doing what you love.
B. Life not only HAS to be hard it supposed to be!
C. Anything worth having IS hard.
D. No one can make a living doing ________ anyway.
E. If I don’t push, make and force things to happen, then I’ll be eaten alive in business! Etc. etc. etc.

(It’s no wonder, with beliefs like these, that business on the planet is about hurting others to save oneself. It is this very insane thinking that leaves no doubt why we are where we are!)

In addition, women have played weak, helpless and dependent for thousands of years. They have relied upon mans acceptance and opinion of them in order to BE ENOUGH! God forbid that they should ever rock that boat and upset their man and therefore their security! Men and women both have huge fears of being alone and therefore can’t create the beautiful, meaningful relationships they could have and are intended to have....

We'll pick up here in the next blog.

Lily Finch, is a business and spiritual development coach. Her work can be found in the Best Selling Series, Wake Up...Live The Life You Love. In the book, A Search for Purpose, you will find her writings featured with Wayne Dyer, Anthony Robbins, Bill Harris and Brian Tracey. She is the author of ‘Holy and Humorous Hell and ‘Butterfly Medicine:Metamorphosis from Caterpillar to Butterfly, Woman to Goddess' under the pen name, Flowerbird.
She is an Inspirational Speaker and the creator of the ‘AlchemEnergy Method of Energy Transformation and the AlchemEnergy- Alchemist-in-Training Codex E-Course. She is a Business Entrepreneur and even a general Contractor.
Lily consults with women on being whole and integrating the spiritual with the physical on every level. She can be reached at:

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