Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Holistic Business Success for Women

When I first wrote the book Holistic Business Success for Women: How to Create Million Dollar Ideas Through Group Synergy, we were less than two months away from the general elections of 2008. It was mid September, and long standing corporate giant, Merrill Lynch, was forced to sell out to Bank of America and Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy to the tune of $639 billion, by far, the largest bankruptcy filing in U.S. history at that time.

On September 15, 2008, the Dow lost 504 points, the lowest point drop since the stock market reopened after September 11, 2001. It was estimated that about $700 billion was swallowed up in this financial fiasco. That is to say, people lost their money in their investment portfolios, retirement plans, government pension funds, and the like. Perhaps, you are one of the women who lost money in these banking crises. Perhaps you were also among the number of women who lost their house during this mortgage crisis. If you meet any of these criteria, all is not lost—even though it might feel like it.

I was hoping by the time the book came to print things would have changed hopefully for the better. But since they did not, you must learn to forge ahead undaunted by what’s happening all around you.

Security is extremely important to you, perhaps more so than men. Men somehow think they can rebound from anything. They often pack up and leave at the drop of a hat to follow what they believe is a golden opportunity. However, this is not necessarily true for most women. You think about your family first and worry about how things will get done, if you’ll be able to keep medical insurance, a roof over your head, feed your family, keep your kids in school and the like. You have always been a multitasker, juggling family, job and your relationships. The issue for you is not about rebounding from anything, but in maintaining some stability in your life.

However, nothing is ever as stable as you would like it to be, is it? The universe is never static. Everything is always in transition. Change--although you may not like it --is inevitable. Thus, changes in the your personal situation, your relationships, and the economy or inevitable. You may not like it, but it is what it is. To counter catastrophic change, you must learn to change and adapt yourself to whatever the current political or socio-economic climate is at the time. Of course, it’s very difficult to live in the world but not be a part of the world’s system or the worlds’ way of doing things—this includes business and the current way of structuring and doing business. I’m sure that it was just as difficult for business owners 2000 years ago as it is for us today. You may not think that it was but the people of antiquity might say otherwise.

Nevertheless, living in the world but never being caught up by the way the world does thing is exactly what Jesus preached to his disciples. Thus, during this period of economic change women must not respond by panic or worry. A completely different paradigm must take hold of your mind. Believe it or not, just because it seems like things are going down the tube you can ride a wave to the top. Although people suffered greatly during the great depression, there were many people who made more than their fair share during this lean time in American History.

The mind is truly a terrible thing to waste and there are many women who are not only wasting their minds—they’re losing their minds! Some women are losing their mind because they trusted men to have their best interest at heart. Since men continue to be the power brokers, the gatekeepers and lawmakers, their view of how to best implement and lead our social, political, and financial institutions has always been selfishly one-sided and primarily exclusive to anyone who does not have a penis—at least, in the top levels of our major institutions.
The narrow-minded view that competition as oppose to synergy was the way to go has come home to roost. This is not an intellectual, political or social argument. There is no argument. The fact is this: a competitive environment is often a breeding ground for greed, cut throat tactics, hidden alliances and everything else imaginable and unimaginable. It is enough to make anyone lose their respect for the corporate world, and people in general.

However, losing your mind is not an option right now. The only option for you is to do your part in changing the way business is done and in doing so create a product, related product, new media, or service that will benefit humanity and in turn create prosperity for yourself and all those willing to come on your team. In addition, your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to create a new model for doing business and prove to the world the mutual cooperation is better than the competition. Inspirational author and speaker, Wayne Dyer says, “change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change.”

In this blog I want to ignite a deep change in feminine consciousness, the deepest part of every woman who has a desire to start her own business or for women who already have an existing business, so that she can have greater control over her financial future without giving way to men, whose chief objective seems to always be to ‘keep women in their place.’ I want you, the divine woman, to see through to the truth of your own divinity and power to create a better life for tapping into the financial ideas that have been waiting for you since the foundation of the world.

There is no lack in the universe, therefore no lack of money in the United States or elsewhere on this planet and thus, no lack of ideas. Even though financial institutions rise and fall, I believe you can create enough wealth to weather any storm, and in doing so, bring others along with you by working together with women of like mind, like motive, and like passion, to create a sound business entity. I can think of a number of reasons why this is the perfect time for the emergence of more women businesses and the creation of new products and services.

Yes, this is your time. Women have many advantages and some disadvantages when it comes to business. Both can be used to motivate you to take more control over your financial destiny. Here are a few things to think about.

Women have a greater knowledge of products or related products because they
are the primary users of these products.
Women give greater attention to the detail of things.
Women are the largest consumer of all manufactured products.
Women are still under-represented in the business community.
Women wages still lag far behind that of men.

We heard a lot about teamwork over the years but I’m not talking about that kind of teamwork—the kind of teamwork where managers try to sell employees on their value and worth to the company in order to increase productivity and sales. No, I’m not talking about the kind of teamwork preached in boardrooms, auditoriums, or various company in-services where only lip service is paid to the customer as if he or she is a separate entity apart from the company. The truth of the matter is the customer has always been a part of the team but has had little recognition as a contributing member of the business structure. But all of that is about to change with you. You are about to come in contact with experiential synergy through the group dynamic. So gather up about four of your girlfriends—only those friends or associates who truly believe the universe has something more to offer them than doom and gloom.

In the upcoming post I will share some of the basic concepts behind group synergy and my personal matrix for creating million dollar ideas. After that, you decided if an investment of a few dollars to purchase the book is worth it.

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