Thursday, March 25, 2010

No Desire-- No Money! How to Create Million Dollar Ideas Through Group Synergy

What is this thing we call desire?

Well, what do you think it is? Is it a longing or craving? Is it lust? Is it want, a wish for something? All of these things have been called desire at one time or another. Perhaps, desire is a combination of all of the above or perhaps not.
Since the description of a thing is never the thing itself, we must look outside the word desire to experience it. To truly know what desire is, you must lose every definition of the word in order to experience it. And that’s exactly what desire comes closet to; an experience. Inside the experience is an observable magnetic pull toward purpose, and only the one with the desire feels or senses this pull.

You see, in reality most people seldom come in contact with desire. Without an awareness of who we are apart from what we have been conditioned to be, our desires (or what we think are our desires) are only implanted scripts designed to get us to behave in a certain way. Thus, most people are psychologically shaped and manipulated to act a certain way to benefit other people. That is to say, most of us are like sheep headed to the slaughter, just ripe for the 'pickins' for any new psychological technique, trick or ploy used by advertisers to get us to buy things. Thus, our desires are not really our desires at all but the wants and wishes of the corporations who pay handsomely to have these advertising agencies program the brand into our conscious and subconscious minds. Wants and wishes are not true desires because they can be planted by sources outside of us. Remember, a desire is an observable inward pull to something that can only be witnessed by the observer himself.

But aren’t we going to do the same things…give people a desire for our products?

Again, do away with the word, desire, for now. You can generate or induce a want but you can’t produce or induce a true desire. You can generate a wish or craving for something, but you can’t produce or induce a desire. Shrewd businessmen and women who employ people skilled in the area of psychology do so because they want to know what drives and motivate people to buy and what makes them keep on buying. Just keep in mind that when we are talking about ideas for creating products or services for people, we are talking about tapping into what a person might want or wish he or she had to make their life a little easier. In other words, the desire originates with the individual himself through a thought. The thought is then picked up in the field of consciousness.

For instance, someone had to say to himself,
"Gee, I wish I had something small enough to carry these small items on the plane with me. I don't need a big suitcase." Enter— carry-on luggage.

"Boy, I want something to eat but I don’t feel like cooking anything and I can’t afford to eat out. Enter—a hot pocket or any other microwavable frozen dish.

Somewhere along the line, someone was given the idea to make these products and you can bet that someone told them it was a lame idea because the food would spoil, or that no one could use a small bag on an airplane. Of course, I couldn’t get any more basic than this. But we’re talking about the basics, aren’t we? An idea doesn’t have to be overly technical; it only has to be functional. The amazing thing about this is that the person who had the initial thought,the desire, is seldom the one who will create the product or service. Perhaps, a year or so down the line, he'll see some infomercial where some guy has taken over the idea and is now making millions off it. The most important thing to keep in mind is that a true desire originates within the person when he wants something that will make life easier for himself. As for the women reading this blog, your desire is to make your life better, happier, by becoming financially stable. This is your core desire, and no one else gave it to you. Quite to the contrary--everybody else wants your money--the bill collectors, the government, or perhaps your kids. I'm probably the cheapest guy on the block because I'll probably upload the Holistic Business Success for Women ebook to a couple of sites for less than $5.00.

All in all, if you’re reading this blog, keep in mind that desire has drawn you to it. This indicates that there is an inward pull, a knowing, that you’re supposed to bring forth something into this physical reality. You are ripe to receive a million dollar idea when you have desire.

When you have become aware of your desire, it’s time to add intention to it. Intention, purpose, and desire are locked together like a divine trinity.

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