Thursday, April 8, 2010

Don't Get Impatient...Your Help Is On The Way! How to Allow Your Divine Mastermind Connections

Before I go on to step 3 in the matrix for creating million dollar ideas, I wanted to stop here and speak briefly about something that may concern many women who have never worked together with other women and also for the lone woman who wants to find others to mastermind with, but hasn't the slightest clue of how to go about it. My first piece of advice is this: Don't Get Your Panties In a Wad! (I once heard a well known female motivational speaker use this phrase, so I'm not speaking as some kind of neanderthal.) Nevertheless, I mean exactly what I say. Don't worry about how you are going to find others who will work with you. The universe has a way of bringing people together in the most unexpected ways.
One of the best ways to illustrate what I'm talking about is this quote from marketing and business strategy coach, Nancy Matthews, who left this wonderful message on her Facebook page. Here it is:

"Today walk with the awareness that the next person you meet could be "The One" - the one to bring a smile to your face, new business, the exact solution you were looking for, a new relationship and life long friend. Today let's treat those we meet "As If" they are that important - because they are."

She couldn't be more right.

As I stated earlier, Source (God, or Universal Mind, if you prefer) has a way of bringing people together and creating the environmental circumstance for your divine connections to take place. This means that it's not up to you to try to force things to happen. If you try to make things happen, you are going to quickly find out that trying to force what you want to happen will only prolong your desire because strength or force always builds up resistance or counter-force to whatever you want. That's the reason you should settle down and get into a spirit or attitude of gratitude and allowance. This doesn't mean to sit on your butt and do nothing. It simply means to work toward your goal with joy, believing that what you want--your intention--has already set things in motion. Learn to read the omens around you and look for those little signs that let you know that the universe is trying to tell you something. If you are an author, you'll love this story.
As many of you may know, Paulo Coelho's, The Alchemist has been one of the greatest inspirational books of all time. I had never heard of the book until my editor, Magdalene Pagratis, suggested that I read it a couple of years ago. I called Maggie one day when I was feeling down in the dumps. I was having myself a pity party over my lack of book sales. She listened quietly as I grumbled and complained about all the effort I had put into my books with only minimal results to show for it. When I was finished with my belly-aching she asked,” Have you ever read, The Alchemist?” I told her that I had never even heard of the book, and then I asked her for the author’s name because I would see if my local library had a copy for checkout.
The very next night when I got to work, I check my interoffice mailbox to see what kind of work my boss had left me to do. Inside, among memos and handouts, was a book a co-worker had left for me. The post-it note stuck to the book cover said that she knew I like to read books of a spiritual nature and that this particular book was going to be thrown away with all the other ones she never bothered to read.
As you might have guessed, it was a copy of The Alchemist. I knew this was no coincidence. My editor lives in Quebec, my co-worker, Bonnie, and I, live in Indianapolis. What do you think the odds would be that two women who have no knowledge of each other and who live almost a thousand miles apart, would want to get a particular book into my hands--and all within twenty-four hours. Because the timing of the events and the object in question(a single particular book) is so precise--the theory of coincidences has been shattered in the face of certainty. Carl Jung simply called this synchronicity. Needless to say,I dove straight into the book to find out what message the universe had for me.
I read the book first by myself, and then I read it along with my wife. I read it one final time by myself again—this time jotting down some of the key concepts in the book as I understood them. I had no idea that two years later I would deviate from writing non-fiction to release my first work of fiction based upon some of the principle I learned in The Alchemist. Perhaps, this is what the universe had in mind all along. But it's safe to say that none of us at the time had any idea that this was how things were going to work out. These two women didn't know that they were instrumental in helping me take my dream to the next level. And I never fail to try to help them whenever possible.
I have always been surrounded by wonderful women--women like my good friends Lily Finch of Alchemenergy, and Dorothy Lafrinere of I consider women like these my mentors. I hope that the remaining blogs will help create more relationships that will help us all fulfill our destiny. I will continue with step 3 of the matrix in the next blog.

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